Tuesday 7 February 2012

Meet the Wedding Bunnies

There is great excitement at MapleGum this week - the Wedding Bunnies (who were conceived and created by sister Louise for our wedding way back in 1994) have discovered that they have been invited to Heidi's wedding!

1994: Waiting for our wedding to start - and
nervously keeping an eye on the cat.
1994: They were also a bit nervous of
Brian and his canister!
The bunnies have had limited opportunity to get out and about since then but are absolutely thrilled to learn that they will be going. And, not just invited, but taking a prime role at the Wish Tree table. I have never seen them so excited.

**Although "The Wedding Bunnies" have never had individual names, for some reason I have an irresistible urge to call them Marty and Helen!

Yeay! We are so happy!
They have been a bit naughty though and have been getting into everything as I get it ready to take with us.

I wish I had a bigger veil.
I want this one!
Even my fascinator was found and tried on!

Looks better on me than on Ginnie.
I got their suitcase out and, as you can see, they have started packing already - the important stuff has gone in first! Although they have lived in Alberta previously, it's been a while since they were there, so there have been lots of questions about what to take. Will their bunny fur be warm enough, do they need boots, etc?

I'm pretty sure there has been some scheming going on as well because I keep catching them deep in conversation and then they stop when they see me!

When she's not looking, we'll check out
that big box in the corner.
We've also had discussions about where they will sit in the car for the drive - of course, they think they should be in the front seat and I discovered them yesterday trying to stake out their spot! I don't think so.

Marty and Helen have asked that I share their trip back to Alberta and at experiences at the wedding with you, so you will be seeing a bit more of them over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! It seems as though it was just last year, not 18 years. I do hope that 'Marty & Helen' behaved themselves at the wedding! Congrats on the news of a little one coming...Lots of very nice people are born in August - of course, this is based on personal experience...��
