Saturday 19 May 2012

Late breaking post...Mayhem in the Laundry and other scary stories

This post is done for no other reason but for me to have a whinge.

Remember these days?
This used to be me...
More like this now.
I just want to start by saying that I'm pretty sure I don't like housework! There, said! After spending all day on a beautiful day inside vacuuming, dusting, washing, cleaning bathrooms, etc. etc.etc., I've come to the realization that no matter how you spin it, it's not fun. I managed to be distracted by many things - which is likely why it took me all day - the computer, the view, the birds, the computer, my sewing room, hunger, the computer, and so on...I put my happy housewife face on, I put the tunes on (I've discovered there are special Housework CD compilations so I obviously had the wrong tunes), but the same feeling prevailed...I don't like housework. I'd much rather be outside playing in the garden.

I like this philosophy - thanks Erma.

Just as I was almost done, I made the mistake of glancing closely at the lint catcher in the dryer - there followed an hour of tediously cleaning out all the little bits of lint that didn't make it to the first I didn't think it would be possible - those lint balls were a long way down but, I was up to the challenge! I thought a paint stirrer would be the perfect implement for snagging them and coaxing them upwards. I also poked down a damp towel which was quite effective. That  worked for the upper level, but there still remained a pile below. Something longer? Aha! Barbecue tongs would be perfect (yes, I know, new BBQ tongs must now be purchased). Anyway, they were successful in reaching another level of fluff balls - the finest surgeon would have been proud of the precision with which I wielded my instruments - patiently going in where only the most hardy would dare to go. There was a tense moment when one of my tools slipped from my grasp at a critical moment and plummeted down. I agonized at the thought that perhaps I would now have to call a repairman to retrieve it - thus incurring great expense in the quest for a clean dryer filter. Fortunately I was able to recover it with the help of some of the other tools I had gathered around me.

Now, after that delay, I discovered that final step was even too much for the tongs - it was time to get creative. Inspired by Brian's great skill at overcoming the most difficult problem by fashioning special-purpose implements, I found a small bamboo rod and taped the paint stirrer to the end. But, the secret my friends, is to put some of the tape on with the sticky side out! Yes! So, again I went down into the black interior with my newly-created required even more fine stick work than before - but again I was up to the task. Bit by bit those bits were brought to the surface until few remained below. Enough I said - job well done. Then I realised that, by putting the damp towel down inside the vent, the lint from the next load would stick to the damp surfaces. So now my washing schedule is messed up with two loads of washing waiting for the dryer to be ready. Oh well, small sacrifices for a job well done. I can go to bed tonight happy in achieving such a wondrous thing...and then how could I ignore the washing machine watching on? Yes, that got a detailed clean as well. It's definitely time I got out of the house and got a job.

There was a time when I was happy to clean house for my family as that was part of raising children, etc. When the children left, I was happy to clean house knowing that it wouldn't immediately be messed up by someone making a snack or doing a craft or having friends over. I was even happy doing housework when I had a cleaning lady - I enjoyed letting her do the horrid stuff while I focussed on the detail - rearranging ornaments, aligning drawer fronts and other important things. But the novelty of that has worn off now and there are just so many more things to do which are more fun. Soooo, Brian, when you get home from work today, you can't use the bathrooms, the kitchen, the living room, the family room - maybe the bedroom - because I want it to all stay clean for at least a month! The good news is that I still like cooking.

This T-shirt says:
1. Open a new file in your PC
2. Name it "Housework"
3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN
4. Empty the RECYCLE BIN
5. Your PC will ask you "Are you sure 
you want to delete Housework permanently?
6. Answer calmly "YES" and press the 
mouse button firmly...
7. All done!!! Feel better?

I want one of those T-Shirts.

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