Monday 19 September 2011

They say it's your birthday!

The party last Saturday night was lots of fun - it must have been because we arrived at around 4.30p and stayed until around 10.30p - well after our bedtime. We met lots of new people and everyone was very friendly and chatty. Might have some new people to add to our friends list! Forgot to take photos.

Today (19th September) is my birthday. What a wonderful day I've had. I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise over the bay, followed quickly by a freshly brewed coffee (courtesy of my sweetie) and a romantic birthday card (also from my sweetie - as aforementioned).

We spent part of the morning having a look at some of the shops downtown which we hadn't been to before (there really aren't that many) and had morning tea (coffee) as well. In one store we were drawn to a multi-coloured Paris wall clock which had to come home with us, as well as a folding screen. A nearby bookstore had lots of books and maps of the Vancouver Island/mainland area so we bought a book (written  I think mostly for boaters) and a map to go on the wall for reference. Happy Birthday Ginnie! And thanks to all of the wonderful messages and phone calls I've received - I'm one very lucky person.

Lunch was at a Greek restaurant (Asteras) which we had seen a week or so ago and which several people had highly recommended. And it was good, very good! The service was great and I even scored a free birthday dessert. We now both reek of garlic so are home with all of the doors wide open...okay, that's just a bit of an exaggeration.

Asteras Greek Restaurant
What would cap off the day nicely would be an email giving us a delivery date for our stuff...but nothing so far. Stay tuned.

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