Friday 23 September 2011

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Well, we finally heard from the shipping company - with the not so good news that the ship is 6 days arrival date is tomorrow, 24th September. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. However, it appears that they will expedite paperwork when it does arrive and then final delivery to us is dependent upon availability of suitable truck. So, maybe we'll get our stuff next week; then again, maybe we won't.

Things were trucking along so well to. I think the news caused me some stress and I've had a few days with a very sore upper back along with a few other ailments - and that makes me more stressed! Anyway, I guess in the big scheme of things it's not the end of the world - just very annoying. We have now refocussed our attention to ticking all remaining things off our to do list before it does get here to make the most of our "free" time.

It's the first day of autumn here today - we can see the leaves starting to change. In a few weeks, our view of the water will have expanded substantially. It has also been a bit rainy these past few days and the grass continues to's looking rather unruly unfortunately - it isn't knee high yet so hopefully with the cooler weather it won't grow much more and still be cuttable when we get our lawnmower from the container.

After lighting a fire in the downstairs fireplace on one of the cool days this week, we've discovered that it doesn't work very well. Now having to entertain the idea of getting a fireplace insert to make it more efficient - and less smoky!

Not much else to report this week - we've been laying low. Even did some housework yesterday - we must be bored!!

And sorry, no lovely scenic photos to include...

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