Sunday 2 October 2011

Some days are diamonds, some days are stones...

Things have been going along fairly smoothly these past few months (the "diamond" days), but last week we went back to life's box of chocolates for another dip...and got the chocolate with the piece of foreign matter in it!!

And the "stone" days? What I thought was my back acting up, has ended up in a case of shingles (which I think sounds like the plague and I'm sure is pretty much as horrible except you don't die, although you'd like to some days). Anyway, after almost two weeks, that seems to be on the mend.

More stones...after deciding to track progress of our ship, I discovered it in a port somewhere in China - about the same time it was supposed to be arriving in Vancouver - not good. I contacted our shipping company in Sydney to express my concern. They advised that our container had been swapped over to another ship somewhere in Malaysia. With the new ship's name in hand, I was happy to discover it in port in Vancouver when and where it was supposed to be. Oh sweet relief.

The Northern Prelude - first leg - our's is the red container.
The Ital Unica - final leg
The last week has now been a series of mind battles with the Canadian movers who are to deliver our container over to the island. It's too expensive on the ferry, etc. etc. etc. Well, not our fault. Anyway, after maybe just a small amount of badgering, they've agreed it will be over here this Tuesday. We are tentatively optimistic. Also frantically trying to decide where we want things to go so that we don't end up moving things upstairs or downstairs later - as we are known to change our minds often about furniture placement.

On a good day last week, we took another little run out to the "Goats on the Roof" area for lunch - and a spot of shopping. Brian discovered every man's dream - the biggest building recycling place ever! Acres of it. Well, it felt like acres as we checked out every window, piece of wood and old everything. Then the fun stuff (another place) - got a great deal on an old oak chest of drawers for our bedroom (wouldn't suit those with a modern aesthetic but we love it). Also found a funky wall clock for the stair wall.

A "diamond" day amongst the stones...with the decision made to get a fireplace insert in our fireplace downstairs, also came the inspiration to paint all of the white brick. Thanks to Brian's efforts it is now a lovely shade of dark taupe - which should look very swish against the black of the insert to be installed. You can't keep a good man down - Brian's reputation of his skills with renovations is well known and he doesn't disappoint - I'm sure he has rearranged the garage several times already and it's still basically empty. Good practice for when his man stuff arrives.

The unfinished insert...has a surround & door yet to be fitted. 
Oh, not yet done with the stones it seems!  The fireplace insert people arrived last Thursday to do the install. Nice guys, worked hard...only to discover that our chimney has a bend in it and the flue insert wouldn't get past it. So, back to the shop. And back with a smaller flue. That wouldn't work either.

The little flue that wouldn't.
They decided if they fabricated a special piece to go up from the bottom and meet with the bit from the top, that might solve the problem. They'll be back Friday!  And they were. I was so sick of the whole thing by then that I went into our little den and shut the door to drown out all of the yelling and grunting and groaning. So, the new piece didn't work either. We have another idea. We'll be back Monday. That's tomorrow. Wish us luck. They've got stuff all over the floor of the family room. If it's not finished, it will complicate things just a bit for the movers on Tuesday. Yes, some days are stones for sure!

We have our first delivery of wood arriving this afternoon. Brian has cleared out a spot just outside the back of the garage and within easy reach of the door so hopefully it will all fit in there.

When we were out grocery shopping yesterday, I purchased a crock pot - our first meal is currently simmering away so we are anticipating a nice beef stew later tonight for dinner. Today is definitely looking more diamond like!
Looks a bit runny-will have to consult instructions for a fix.
You know when you are out walking and you smell something amazing
and you wish it was your house?  Well, for once it's at my house!
One thing I always have to remember above all else is that I always have a diamond close sweetie Brian!

Oh, do you remember that book "All I really need to know, I learned in kindergarden"?

Well, that's not entirely true...what don't you learn in kindergarten that you need later in life?
  • Dark wood floors and light coloured hair are not a good mix
  • A stainless steel finish on appliances is highly overrated
  • Beeping appliances sound like a good idea, but aren't 
  • Don't grow green beans, it's too hard to see them cause they match the leaves
Anyway, just in case it's not too late for you, I thought I'd throw in those few life lessons I've learned recently.

And, I saw a garter snake yesterday at the very back of our yard (in the wild region)...never saw a snake in our neighbourhood in Australia the whole time we were there...and, have just come from helping Brian stack the biggest pile of wood we have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Just about filled the garage. Apparently fir is the firewood of choice here - because of cost and availability I guess. It is really nice looking wood - hope it lives up to expectations. Mike (Fatman's Logging) assures us it is fantastic and our neighbours will be talking!

It's a slow news week so I'll give you a photo of the pile of wood...

Tried another hairdresser yesterday...Lacey (complete with tattoos) from Fusion Hair. Better than the first one I tried but might still go for third time lucky.

And that wraps up the past week or two's exciting events in Nanaimo, BC, Canada. With luck, the next post will be from a fully furnished home. I can see from this week's post that I am going to have to up the interest and excitement level next time. I won't retain my readers with an ongoing diet of photos of wood and my cooking activities.


  1. its like "Little House on the Prarie"... there in Nanaimo xxx

  2. Mum I am really enjoying your take on life. I got a chuckle from the the `It's a slow news week so I'll give you a photo of the pile of wood...` comment.

    Love the furniture you`ve been finding out there. gorgeous! can`t wait to see how it all came togther! - 5 days!

