Saturday 28 April 2012

The quest for seafood.

It has been a hectic few weeks at MapleGum. March and April are busy birthday months for our family so it has been a focus remembering to buy (and actually mail) cards/gifts at the appropriate times - and we have also welcomed several lots of visitors.

All the trees around town are now in full magnificent bloom - daffodils and tulips abound and it is gradually getting warmer and warmer - we have even enjoyed a meal or two out on the deck which has been great.

These tulips are all in our back yard - the colours are just so pretty.

Tyler arrived at Comox Airport on a beautiful Saturday three weeks ago for his first trip to the island. The airport we thought was only an hour away is actually more like an hour and forty minutes drive so we've decided not to recommend that as an airport of choice if our pickup and drop off services are required! It is a very pretty drive though.

Did some intense sightseeing to try to show Tyler as much as we could fit in during the week he was here - a focus being to eat lots and lots of seafood.

Discovered this lookout a few minutes from
our house - we can just see a tiny bit of
our white roof in the middle of the picture.
The long skinny island is what we see
out the front of our house.
My favourite picnic table at Cameron
Lake on the way to Cathedral Grove.
Requisite photo at Cathedral Grove.
Started the search for fresh seafood for Tyler
at French Creek with a bowl of the now nearly
famous Fisherman's Chowder! Ty enjoyed it as
much as I do and we both came away with an
extra bowl for later.
After lunch, we walked out onto the sea
wall around the marina and checked out
the fishing boats.

The next afternoon was spent learning more about the history of Nanaimo at the museum downtown and then off to Dinghy Dock pub for a burger for dinner (Ty opted for the Salmon Burger of course).
Brian & Ty waiting for the ferry to
Dinghy Dock Pub on Protection Island.
The Pub with Nanaimo in the background.
Just had a few minutes for a quick walk
before the ferry went back so decided to
try to find the Blue Heron Colony - no luck
seeing any herons but at least we could
read all about them!

This cutie was patiently waiting for his master.
Also had a long day trip to Tofino/Ucluelet area on the west side of the island (our first time) - the (three hour) drive was spectacular.
There was still a little snow along the
edge of the road in places - and lots
on top of some of the mountains.

Kennedy Lake - huge and very beautiful lake
...well, what lake isn't beautiful?

Don't think I'd want to live here.
Very rustic Ucluelet.
Ucluelet Marina.
Entering Pacific Rim National Park - we were
later chased along this road by a ranger who
spotted us pulling into a beach parking lot
to take a quick photo - we had opted not to
buy a pass as we hadn't planned on
stopping in the park...ooops!  

Photos below are all around the Tofino waterfront.

Had lunch at a great restaurant with the 
 above view - and, yes, more seafood for Ty.

I was entertained in the washroom by this 
little TV installed above the toilet roll 
holder - video playing was extolling 
the virtues of this as an amazing surfing 

They have gone to amazing lengths to 
save this huge cedar tree in town 
as it has some heritage significance.
Following are more photos taken at stopping spots along the way back. Everything is so beautiful and scenic so it's hard to be selective when taking photos - so I just photograph everything!

We've noted lots of places to check out in more detail when we make a return trip. Beautiful, beautiful spot.

Took Ty to the airport for his flight back to Edmonton on the Friday after a wonderful visit and then took the opportunity to have a drive around downtown Comox - a very pretty town along the water which I'm sure will get a repeat visit.

The goodbye spot.
Comox Marina.
Ty and I also managed to knock off a
puzzle during the week - it's of Vancouver's
downtown - very challenging.
The night after Ty left, we played euchre with a couple we have met through newcomers. That was fun and slowly I am relearning some (emphasis on some) of the finer points.

I discovered that the sparrows which we have mean-spiritedly (according to some) discouraged from nesting on our front deck have now taken up residence in a little birdhouse which I had hung on the back fence, along with a few others, for decoration. They seem happy and I may let them stay for a while. Not sure I want to encourage an increase to the sparrow population on an ongoing basis.

On the Sunday we worked on finishing work on the vegetable garden and by Sunday night, all was planted and I was on the couch with a heat pack on my back! On cue, it rained that night - thank you God.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new blogs, such beautiful photos.... can you let me know when the house next door comes up for sale, thinking it might be just the place to retire too :))))) thank you for sharing x
