Friday 6 April 2012

Spring is definitely in the air

Over the past couple of weeks, spring has definitely made its presence felt here - lots of blossom trees and flowering bulbs - especially Daffodils - are everywhere. 
I discovered these cute mini tulips
blooming in the back yard.

About two weeks ago, we got out into the vegetable garden and turned over the soil to do initial preparation for the big plant! Not sure when that will take place but likely fairly soon. I need to make some decisions about which vegetables are going to be lucky enough to enjoy a short life in our back yard. As we aren't familiar with vegetable growing in this part of the world, it's going to be a bit of pot luck this year I think as we try out various things. Should be fun.
The vege garden - expect to
see amazing progress photos
over the next few months.
As we were digging, I noticed a man next door staring into the yard. I realised it was the previous owner of our house so I introduced myself - he then spewed forth with just about everything we are likely to ever want to know about the house - and a few things we would rather not have known. Anyway, overall it was useful stuff and he was friendly. I think he thought that we must have just popped onto earth from a faraway planet as he was instructing Brian on the finer art of weed eating and lawn mowing. Funny.

I succumbed last week and bought a few pots of annuals to brighten up the deck - it actually does make a difference. I've also potted the bulbs I saved from being deer fodder in the front yard and those are also providing a bit more colour - those that is who hadn't already had their beautiful bloom eaten before I got to them! 

One hyacinth bulb was inadvertently left out there and I noticed that the bud hadn't been eaten, and then it bloomed, and the bloom wasn't being eaten so I was really feeling proud of the deer that they were leaving it alone so I could enjoy it. Well, this morning I looked out the front door to see a lovely little bunch of green leaves but not a speck of the blossom remained. I will have to move that bulb.

Feeling a bit guilty are we?
The deck privacy wall and gates have been substantially finished and we are really enjoying the difference that makes. Few small details to complete. Now in heavy duty planning sessions to decide what to do next in the back yard - which is basically a blank canvas.
The other gate on the left is propped open
so you can't see it properly. Window still
to be completed along with a few other details.
View from backyard - piece on top of stairs
yet to be completed - and stair rail painted, etc.
Springtime has also brought more activity in our local bird world - a pair of bald eagles who nest a few doors down, have been entertaining us with their fly by's as they search for food. Amazing animals - up to 90" wingspan so that's pretty large. Check this out for more information on bald eagles if you are interested.
They followed us down to the gas (petrol)
station last week and kept watch. 
Closer shot of some bald eagles - no,
not my photo but I wish it were.
They are pretty impressive birds.
We've also watched a couple of crows with their nest building activities - they are somewhat like Australia's magpies (but without the beautiful maggie song) - they carry huge twigs - usually having to make a stop midway to their nest to readjust and make sure they have a good grip on it. Very funny to watch. The robins are nice - they aren't annoying in any way - unlike the pesky house sparrows who are totally ticked off that we have closed off access to their nest in the gutter. They still come daily to check it out to see if anything has changed - it hasn't!

I really miss the bird life we enjoyed around Bateau Bay - except for the odd swoop by a stupid miner bird and even, last season, swooping from a butcher bird - that one was protecting a very big territory. No swooping issues here so far thankfully.

We had dinner with another couple last week at a teeny tiny restaurant downtown called "Nest" - amazing food - beautifully presented. A bit pricey for we semi-retired pensioners/part-time workers, but lovely to experience. 

Seafood three ways appetiser
which you must try - yum!
We have also made a favourite of the Italian restaurant Milano's and seem to go there fairly often as it's a favourite of Brian's hockey group who go there every month, with wives - as opposed to the weekly lunch after hockey - without wives. It's a nice evening and the people are incredibly friendly.

Our euchre has evolved into a good night out as well - we are meeting at a local coffee shop which is easier to accommodate four or five tables of players. We are also having a mid-month game with one of the couples - so hopefully my skill level will improve somewhat.

Last week we enjoyed a wonderful overnight visit from a good friend from Alberta, along with her very lovely mother. She arrived with 60, yes 60, beautiful roses for me - an early birthday present as they won't be able to make it to my party in September. As I was arranging them into vases, I felt as though I was working in a florist shop - it was incredible and so wonderful to enjoy them everywhere I turn in the house. Very special.  I'm sorry but I have to include lots of photos of them - they are so gorgeous...and so are the two delivery girls.

Rose delivery girls from Alberta.

Brian is off at work today and I've spent my time making Bean Soup - double batch - and also Zucchini Nut Loaf & muffins. Feeling very domesticated.

I've been trying to keep at the walking as well - the other day I was down at the beach area and I was able to get up fairly close to a couple of Canada Geese - for all the years I have lived in this country, I don't think I ever realized just how large those birds are. They apparently range from 75 to 110 cm in length and 127 to 185 wingspan. Go here for some more information on the Canada Goose.

Many people do not like the geese as
they have adapted to urban areas and
take over and make a big mess (you know
what I mean?)
Just went for a quick walk down to the beach and took a couple of photos - because I just don't have enough! The logs are just because I like the look of them - and I find it hard to believe just how many logs come ashore - which begs the questions of how many logs are out there floating around at any time just waiting to be hit by an unwary boater or poor seal or whale - well, the whale probably wouldn't notice the hit but I bet the seal would.

This is from the bottom of our driveway,
I thought it looked cool with the ferry
framed in the boat. 

Son Tyler arrives tomorrow for a week's visit so we are looking forward to showing him around for his first visit to the island. Hopefully there will be some nice weather days to make our sightseeing easier. Ty is on the quest for some amazingly wonderful fresh seafood so I have to source a spot for us to go.

Apologies about the inconsistent spacing in the blog - not sure what is going on and I haven't been able to rectify but I'll keep working on it.

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