Thursday 30 August 2012

I think I am going to like being a Nana.

Wow, wow and wow! Who could ever describe fully the thrill of seeing your first grandchild? It has been such an amazing time being here and sharing the journey of his first days in hospital and then home. The new parents are doing an awesome job of making the huge adjustment to caring for a newborn. Nicolas makes it easier by being so cute and having such a nice temperament. Of course, that doesn't always make up for the sleep deprived days.

Things will sort themselves out as routines for parents and baby get settled. In the meantime, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the forced holding and occasional bottle feeding and nappy changing which I've shared. I've even had a few short babysitting stints. I feel so privileged and my cup certainly doth runneth over.

We have skyped/facetimed with Poppy Brian several times and I could see by the expression on his face that he was pretty thrilled as well. Nicolas responded to seeing Brian's face and hearing his voice.

Heidi is out at the moment with the baby for their first doctor's checkups and the house feels so empty without them. It is going to be very hard to leave on Friday. Of course, we will be back again in two weeks for a quick visit when we bring sister Megan on our Rocky Mountain road trip so that helps a little.

Once I leave here, my days will be pretty busy for the next 6 weeks or so and blogging will likely be somewhat down the list of activities to fit in. SO, here are lots of photos of Nicolas for your enjoyment -  and the occasional one of mum and dad. Nothing else is of importance at the moment so that's all you get for this post!

Nicolas arrives home.
First family photo at home.
First outing in pram.
He is good at listening to his Dad.
And also listens intently to Mum.

He has the usual funny baby expressiveness. 

I took lots of these photos during the times I was holding him in the early mornings while mum went back to bed for a little bit more sleep. There wasn't much to do while sitting there, so I amused myself by taking many photos of Nicolas sleeping in my arms.

Is it possible to take too many baby pictures? Likely. Is it possible to take too many pictures of your first grandson? Absolutely not!!

Can't wait to hear him say "Nana"! 

And so my first days with Nicolas sadly have come to an end and the excitement of visitors and birthday month begins.

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