Tuesday 21 August 2012

It's a Boy!

It has been wonderful being in Edmonton and spending time with Heidi and Antoine and getting to know them better as a (expectant) couple. They have been busy doing renovations to their home over the past couple of months and have it almost finished and it looks fabulous.

The weather here has been beautiful and it's been great to get outside and do a bit of yard work. Heidi and I have filled in time by doing some shopping and lunching...we also decided to have a pedicure and I now have a beautiful shade of purple on my toes, embellished with a lovely white design.

Heidi has been very gracious throughout her pregnancy and is just glowing.

Little did she know at this point that she would
have a baby the very next morning
She is very organised and there are baby things at every turn. Today we bought a few more things to add to the collection...including a baby journal and the cutest softest (stuffed of course) dog ever - I think that was for me!

The nursery looks so cute with its nautical theme. It's just a bit messy at the moment though as it has been temporarily designated as "Nana's Room".

Nicolas's (?) name will be hung on the wall above his crib.
It's 11.30pm and Heidi and Antoine went to the hospital over four hours ago when Heidi's water broke - we had absolutely no indication all day that anything would happen on this her due date. I was out having dinner with son Tyler. I'm home now and waiting for news.


It's now Monday, August 20th - I've spent the morning at the hospital admiring our first grandchild Nicolas who arrived at 6.27am this morning (day after his due date). He weighed in at 7lbs 7oz and 20"long/tall. He has dark hair but not much of it. He is a very alert baby and perfect in every way with his tiny delicate features. His mum and dad are pretty besotted that's for sure.

I've come home to do a few chores and will head back to the hospital for another visit later. The new family group will be home tomorrow and their lives will begin a whole new chapter.

He's now all of 12 hours old in the photos below.

His name is Nicolas William Coe Dube 
It's Tuesday morning - can't wait for baby to arrive home!! So much fun ahead.

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