Friday 22 July 2011

Is this our new home?

We've lost count of the number of houses we have trekked through over the past week. So many homes, so many which don't measure up to our check list. We did put a low ball offer in on a house overlooking the ocean - with our usual gusto attitude to renovations, we assured ourselves that this house which needed EVERYTHING done inside and out, would be fine and would not take up all of our time and money! I think Brian was starting to feel a bit weak at the knees at the thought of taking on another such huge project. Thankfully the sellers came back with an unacceptable counter offer which gave us time to reconsider - and reconsider we did.

We continued to look and also went back to some previous places. End result is that we have put an offer on another house and are just waiting for confirmation this morning that all is well - only sticking point was possession date which at this point is 15th September (a week or so before our container arrives). So...we may just have ourselves our new home on Wiltshire Drive - keep your fingers crossed.

We are so glad that we didn't end up buying on Merry Men Way, Athletic Street, Bergen-op-Zoom Drive, Black Franks Drive, Bratt Road, Buttertubs Drive, Captain Tristian de Konnick Way, Dingle Bingle Hill Terrace (seriously), Giggleswick Place, Lazy Susan Drive, Old Slope Place, Szasz Drive, Twiggly Wiggley Road (again, seriously) or Vowels Road, although we could have settled happily on Brian's Way or Thompsons Avenue.

The house has a huge upstairs deck, 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and lots of other spaces as well as good storage, large garage for Brian's tools etc. There is also a hot tub included which in a way makes up for the fact that we sold our almost brand new hot tub in Australia for a pittance. There are still projects to do in this house but not nearly on such an overwhelming scale - and none are immediate unless we choose.

The 47 x 12 foot deck

Part of the view from the deck
Along with our house hunting this past week, we have managed to get our BC drivers' licences, health coverage, paperwork started to renew my Permanent Resident Card, etc. etc. Once we get the house situation resolved, we can have a bit more time for R & R to explore the area and also to plan a trip to Alberta to see family and friends and then maybe onward for a drive across Canada to see the Ontario family! Lots for us to look forward to.

UPDATE, UPDATE!  We've just received confirmation that our offer has been accepted! Yeah! We now have a new home. Can't wait to move in and start playing.

My next update should include some Vancouver Island touring stories. Stay tuned!


  1. great news about the house, it looks so you !!!! when you get tim check out the BMX track in Nanaimo, its really cool. When we were there we were told to look out for bears, that was just a little worrying.. ha ha, Im loving the blog, so keep it up, I look forward to the next instalment. You arent missing much here, its been raining for a week and we are all pretty damp and miserable. Love Jenny xxx

  2. I'd love to live on a "Dingle Bingle Hill Terrace" or a "Twiggly Wiggley Road", just for the Novelty. I'd make people giggle every time I gave my address. And Remember there are Thousands who will spend their lives living in Dildo, NFLD.

    The place looks fantastic, I like the upstairs deck... sort of reminiscent of the one at Killarney Vale, minus all the lorikeets.

    It's probably lucky that the place has a few projects for you two to tackle. Otherwise you'd have nothing to do in your leisure time but play golf, Go for dinner with friends, and lounge around in your hot tub! Doesn't that sound utterly unbearable?

    Much better that your should be exhausted, covered in drywall dust and paint, and happy. :)

    Can't wait to see you guys, soon.
