Saturday 30 July 2011

The SOLD sign is up and other significant events

We drove past our new house yesterday and saw that the agent had put the "SOLD" sign up - that's a sure sign it's now really ours.

It's ours!
And yet another deer!
And yet another lovely Nanaimo view from one of the residential streets.
Yesterday we went through those life changing events that one would rather avoid but sometimes just can't...trying out a new hairdresser! To the young girl who was to cut my hair, I explained how I was happy with the style but just needed a bit of trimming in a couple of areas. After an hour of painstaking cutting, razoring, texturing etc. I was turned out of the shop looking like a blond James Dean - but many years older and without the good looks! I'm pretty sure she won't be on the short list.

However, the discovery of a lovely day spa close by turned out much better and I am now sporting lovely nails after a very relaxing manicure (despite the manicurist having a chipmunk voice) and pedicure - hopefully they (the nails that is) will last a few weeks as we don't have to do the packing, cleaning etc. of the past few months.

After the day's activities, we packed a picnic bag and headed down to one of the waterfront parks and spent a very relaxing few hours in the sunshine. Had a lovely and lively chat with a couple who spend half the year here (because of daughter being here) and half in New Jersey.

Neck Point Park - picnic spot
This is a long weekend and so today we are driving two hours north to Miracle Beach National Park (not entirely sure what miracles are performed there but I have a list of ones I'd like to submit for consideration). Our friends Don & Marilyn Macyk from Edmonton and some of their family are camping there for the week. We will just drop in for the day - we are looking forward to seeing them again. Will post some photos of that area tomorrow.

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