Monday 25 July 2011

Now taking bookings

Hooray, it was third time lucky! We've just come from paying a deposit for the house I talked about yesterday so I guess it really is real. Just have the five days to go through inspections etc, pay balance of the deposit and then just count the days till we move in on 1st September. We are so excited - it's a great house and should make a very comfortable home and spot for friends and family to come and enjoy all that this wonderful part of the world has to offer. Few more photos below. No point showing more of the inside as it has all of the current owners' furniture - and they have impeccable taste so you might be disappointed when you see it full of our stuff!

Hopefully by the time the first visitors arrive, we will have acquired more familiarity with the area so we can be adequate hosts/tour guides. That will be our mission!

After coming from the house yesterday, we decided to take a little drive out of town. We went south about half an hour to a small town called Ladysmith and spent a few relaxing hours in a busy waterfront park just watching the action of families picknicking, kids playing and people swimming and kayaking. It was nice to have a change of pace.

Transfer Park in Ladysmith
This little guy was practicing to be a log roller!
On the way back into town, we stopped and had dinner and that's when we got the news that our offer had been accepted on the house - how efficient is that? We were already halfway through celebrating when the call came through.

Lighthouse Bistro
After dinner we walked along the Nanaimo foreshore and out onto the public dock. Met a couple who had just moved here a couple of weeks ago from northern Alberta. They had learned how to catch crab since arriving and were busy with their nets and bait of raw chicken. I'm tempted to learn the fine art of crabbing myself as it seems pretty easy. We exchanged contact details so we can connect sometime in the future. Also had a chat with a crusty long-time resident who expounded on anything and everything - spurred on by an afternoon of beers with his buddies!

Nanaimo Harbour
Dinner for someone lucky
While I've been sitting updating the blog, Brian went out to purchase one of the first new Macbook Air laptops - they hadn't even been put out on the shelf. He is now back and happily playing with it. Will be nice to switch from this very old laptop which has been limping along for us.

Today feels a bit more normal which is nice. I think we are finally over any jet lag, bugs and stress and can start to feel more settled. Of course, that will compound for the better once we move into the house (which will be empty for almost a month as we wait for our container to arrive). We'll have to scrounge some basics so we can stay there and save on hotel costs etc. Fortunately a BBQ, patio set and kitchen stools are included in the sale and we have a picnic set so that is a good start. We will be able to sit and eat. Just have to take care of the sleeping bit.

In a week or so we will take off and drive through the Rockies to visit family and friends in Alberta and then probably fly to Ontario to see Brian's family. It's all happening.

Can't wait to take up residence in 3077 Hammond Bay Road in September. Oh yes, we actually drove past Dingle Bingle Hill yesterday so it really is real! How funny is that?


  1. This one looks even better! I just checked it out on Google earth to get a better view of the outside. :)

  2. fabulous news, this is one place Im definitely coming to see, do they get lots of snow in Winter ??

  3. Wow - so happy for you guys! Ginnie, I can see you in that kitchen! It looks so ROOMY! Congratulations! Bet you can't wait to get going on that garden, too!
